It is not as simple as going to the doctor to get an executive check-up, although it’s a part of it. There are several factors that come together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Community includes the house you live in, the community, the state of the environment, genetics, income and education level. Of course there are several other factors like medical history of you and your family.
In gist, health factors include:
- social and economic environment which means that higher income and social status are linked to better health
- physical environment which includes safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health. Employment and working
- person’s individual characteristics and behaviours which includes developing certain illnesses, diet, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with life’s stresses and challenges all affect health
- Body mass index. There are many websites that can compute your body mass index. You will need provide your height, weight, and heart rate
- Blood pressure. You would need a nurse or a gadget and someone else to get your blood pressure
- Regular smokers/Pregnant women smoking. The number of sticks you smoke daily by the average. It is a little bit more complicated with pregnant women though
- Total alcohol consumption/Hazardous alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption among individuals aged 15+, expressed in litres of pure ethanol consumed per person per year
- Use of illicit drugs. It includes any kind of drug that is not prescribed by the doctor and/or anything that is declared illegal by the law, national and federal
- Consumption of fruit and vegetables. Many don’t pay attention to the daily vegetable and fruit requirement
- Breastfeeding
- Physical activity. The better the physical activity of someone the healthier he is. This includes not only sports, other physical activities but also the daily normal activities that you do including walking to school/work or around the neighbourhood
- Work-related health risks
- Social support
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